Saturday, May 22, 2010

Premise Ads for Colle McVoy

Actually Jay kept saying, "MORE GUTS MORE BLOOD... YES MORE BLOOD!" The sound of his voice was like a giant lizard licking the other end of the phone...CLIENT: Bayer Environmental Science AGENCY: Colle McVoy Inc. ART DIRECTOR: Jay Miller ILLUSTRATOR: Bill Mayer All Material © Bill Mayer 2008-2012 A little inside story about these ads: If Ralph Steadman hadn't been distraught over the recent death of his friend Hunter Thompson, these little Gonzo ads probably would have been in his portfolio instead of mine. CLIENT: Bayer Environmental Science AGENCY: Colle McVoy Inc. ART DIRECTOR: Jay Miller ILLUSTRATOR: Bill Mayer © 2008 Bill Mayer Thumbnail layouts Jay wanted a lot of movment in a band through the mddle of the spread... The first ad still makes me laugh.Little bits of organs ,hearts and heads flying in globs of bloody carnage...Jay had seen the "Dead Mimes" series I did that was on my old website, those simple two color Black and red sort of the kick off point for these ads. These ads looked absolutly kick ass in the Farm Journal, double truck...the limited color worked really well. Love it when art directors get right in your face with the message in big bold splattery Blood, gobs and gobs of it...

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