Monday, February 21, 2011

"Ten Things You Keep Doing Wrong" or "Wrong Headed"

I was pretty thrilled to get a call from SooJin Bizelli I had been seeing her name on every award I had run across recently. She is so smart and such a good designer. My intern Sojung told me how famous this art director was, She said "Oooo SooJin, she's really famous..." This is not a great way to start on a job, feeling really nervous about doing a good enough job, But SooJin is so easy and so good at direction it made it a pleasure to work through. She tells me that the last piece was one James Yang did and it ended up on the cover of 3x3, now I am panicking....she asks for at least three ideas. Once I got started everthing flowed like normal, I sent her thirty-four thumbnails . Looking back on these little sketches, there is some pretty fun stuff in here. I know such a cliché ,but I just couldn't resist... I have bee trying to figure out where these ideas come from. Seems more like a stream of consciousness, some make sense and some are well , where did that come from... there were two ideas she liked the screaming face and the bumps on the head.....sketched them both up so she could decide... Here's the sketch.... In one version I tried adding numbers to reinforce the "Ten things you keep doing wrong" I so enjoyed this job ,it was fun and the image ,even though I really wanted to do somthing stronger for her, it still turned out well and got in 3x3,SILA and SINY. now she tells me " good friend (freelancer) Maynard Kay did that layout. ? So Big thanks to Maynard, Great job, I had the pleasure of finally meeting SooJin in Atalnta at SCAD reciently , the first thing she did was remind me that I had turned her down on a job she called me about back in the mid nineties, Yikes, these stories keep following me around.... Anyway this was a ton of fun.

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