Friday, December 9, 2011

The Holidays Exposed

Here's a great little Xmas promo for a local agency here in Alanta. Patrick Scullin; at "Ames, Scullin, and O'Haire" wrote this funny little copy to define the most Horrendous Holiday Ever in "The Holidays Exposed!" All of the drawings would be presented in the form of an old retro "ViewMaster." The art director Jeff Stewart wanted something dark and a little sick...I told them that was not really a problem. I got the specs from Jeff via Cary Songy (Director of Clouds and Machines) and went to work on some fairly demented little thumbnails. Dark? yes, a bit dark... but funny... here's the link So the way these little puppies work is you get about seven frames to tell your story and wrap it up neatly. you can use the 3-d to let the type float or in some cases the blood spatter... Patrick's idea was to have six little jokes in one, tie it all in to the agency's "Putting You and Yours together" and have something memorable people would hang onto. The round design would be for the center of the reel and the outside of the box... We decided to add a little of a bad flim look to the images in the end I think it will add to the overall 3d effect. Anyway funny little Christmas card....can't wait to see it all together. Next up Jack Frost as a Zombie..." Nipping on someones nose..." I know the walking dead zombie thing has gotten way out of hand. Sorry,

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